Teen Parenting Hack: The Simple Chart That Changed Our Family's Eating Habits

Laurie Moser . Published January 16th, 2025

Fridge food chart

If you're anything like me, you've probably spent way too much time scrolling on your phone lately. (Raising my hand here! 🙋‍♀️) Wait... who am I kidding? I've been doing this for months, especially during the holiday chaos!

Well, this week I did something that's already making a huge difference in our home. In the evenings, my phone stays in the laundry room, where I charge it. The biggest difference is what I'm doing during the day - putting it face down on Do Not Disturb! I don't always do this but when I do, wow! The amount of work I can get done without all the distractions and mindless scrolling.

This is self-care! Setting boundaries for yourself regarding your phone. I tell my teens to get off their phones so I better be doing the same thing, setting the example.

But here's what really got me excited to share with you today...

When my kids were little, I had a printed sheet of healthy foods on the fridge and they loved it. I haven't done that for years. I thought I would give it a try again. Like most of us, I overindulged over the holiday season and want to start the new year with eating better.

I printed out this super simple healthy food chart and stuck it on our fridge. Nothing fancy - just a basic list of good-for-you foods and ones to maybe skip. And get this - my teens are actually using it!

I got the idea by listening to a podcast episode with Mel Robbins, she had Dr. William Li on, he's a medical scientist.

The best part? I haven't had to say a word about healthy eating. Zero lectures! I don't want to be food shaming them. They're just... doing it. Yesterday, I caught my daughter eating an avocado on toast instead of fish crackers for her after school snack. (Inside, I was doing a happy dance, but kept it cool! 😎).

Something else I've noticed? When I'm not constantly reaching for my phone as a distraction, I'm actually present for these little moments. You know, the ones where your teen randomly starts talking about their day or their friends.

Now, I actually listen to them.

So here's my challenge for you this week:

Try putting your phone away for a specific amount of time, maybe for you, it's when the kids get home from school, after dinner or a few hours before your bedtime.

Just start there.

And maybe stick a little reminder of healthy choices somewhere visible - but don't make a big deal about it!

All these actions, putting away your phone, being more present with your teen, healthy eating, these are all acts of self-care!

Rooting for you always,

Laurie 🌸

Staying Active Health & Wellness


Laurie Moser is a Wellness Coach for Moms of Teens, who guides moms from overwhelm to empowerment. She helps moms create unshakeable bonds with their teens by prioritizing their own wellbeing first. Laurie has been featured by Focus on the Family, Real Biz Moms, Tracking Happiness and a guest on 5 Minutes for Me App, Voice of Women (VOW), I Never Knew (INK), Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads, The Teen Anxiety Maze, To Mom is To Love with Valerie Probstfeld, NP, Life Changing Habits Summit, Holistically Heal Your Child Summit and Host of the Tools for Moms With Teen Summit.


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