Biggest Self-care Mistake You Must Avoid

Laurie Moser . Published December 27th, 2024

My homemade latte

Can we talk about something that's been on my mind lately? It's about this idea that we need to schedule self-care, and honestly... I think it's making us more stressed!

I don't know about you but I don't need another item on my daily to-do list.

This is what I used to feel like when I looked at my to-do list and saw "self-care time - 30 minutes," squeezed between "grocery shopping" and "teen's therapy appointment." I actually felt my shoulders tense up just seeing it there! 😩

Does this sound familiar?

Here's what I've learned from working with moms just like you: Adding self-care to our never-ending to-do list is like adding another job to our already full plate.

And let's be honest - we don't need another thing to feel guilty about not doing! πŸ™ˆ

Instead, I've discovered that real self-care happens in those little moments we already have.

  • That first sip of your morning coffee (even if it's been reheated twice!) or you can get fancy like me and make yourself a homemade latte.

  • Looking up at the trees and sky while waiting in the school pickup line.

  • Taking some deep, slow breaths while your teen is in their appointment.

  • Enjoying the warmth of the sun on your face during a quick walk to the mailbox

These are all self-care and NOT something that I'm adding onto my to-do list!

Just like I learned to trust my son on his camping trip (story for another day!), I've learned to trust that self-care doesn't need to be scheduled - it's already there in our day, waiting to be noticed. 🌟

🌟Join my private FB group: Moms Supporting Teen Mental Health Together, let's support each other and share resources, tips and strategies that have worked for you or learn about what's helping others in similar situations.πŸ’—β€‹

Thanks for reading friends,

Laurie 🌸

Staying Active Health & Wellness​


Laurie Moser is a Wellness Coach for Moms of Teens, who guides moms from overwhelm to empowerment. She helps moms create unshakeable bonds with their teens by prioritizing their own wellbeing first. Laurie has been featured by Focus on the Family, Real Biz Moms, Tracking Happiness and a guest on 5 Minutes for Me App, Voice of Women (VOW), I Never Knew (INK), Sh!t That Goes On In Our Heads, The Teen Anxiety Maze, Life Changing Habits Summit, Holistically Heal Your Child Summit and Host of the Tools for Moms With Teen Summit.


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