When Your Teen is Hurting, Every Day Feels Like a Marathon

You've read the books. You've tried the suggestions. But as you watch your teen struggle, your heart aches and you feel more lost and overwhelmed with each passing day. What You really need is someone who truly understands this emotional rollercoaster and can offer more than just advice.

  • Self-Care Course

    Get my online course which provides guidance on self-care tools specifically designed for moms. I understand that self-care can be a challenge, especially when you're balancing the needs of your teen with your own. My course will offer practical tips and strategies that you can implement in 5 minutes a day! By following these tools, you will feel more grounded, calm and resilient, even in the middle of your busy schedule and daily uncertainty.

  • Personal Coaching

    I've walked this path myself. I understand the unique challenges, fears, and daily uncertainties that come with parenting a teen struggling with mental health. My approach combines personal experience with practical solutions that work in real life – because theory is nice, but you need strategies that actually work in those tough moments.

    Ready to feel more confident and supported in your parenting journey? Let's talk.

Grab the Ultimate Moms’ Journal Guide

To be a good parent, you need to take care of yourself so that you can have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family.”

— Michelle Obama