Prioritizing Connection: Moms' Secret Weapon Against Teen Mental Health Struggles
Laurie Moser . Published May 30, 2024
I've been working on a new project lately, I'll tell you all about it soon. It's so exciting, I've never done anything like it before. At the same time, I've honestly never worked so hard on something.
I'm only 1 month into this project, it won't be finished until August. I was starting to miss meals, work too late on it and miss other important stuff that matters to me, such as quality time with friends and loved ones.
I was not following my own advice of prioritizing my own mental health and wellness. 😲
It's so easy to give great advice to others!
Life is funny how it will test us with our own advice.
I was still doing my morning routine which helped to equip me to handle the challenges and issues that came up daily.
BUT, I was starting to fail at one of my core values of self-care: connecting with others.
I need to spend quality time with a friend or loved one to fill my cup up. A big part of looking after my mental health so that I can show up as the parent that I want to be for my kids, is connecting with others. I don't like big groups or small talk but 1:1 or quality time with people that I care about, fills me up!
So what did I decide to do about it? Because nothing changes, if you don't change it.
I have it in my schedule to walk a with a friend this week. I know for me that I need to write it down and schedule it in or it doesn't happen and then I miss it. And I'm upset with myself about not making the effort to connect and spend time with those I care about.
Do you have something scheduled this week?
If you can't get together with a friend, schedule in a time when you will call or text.
You will never regret connecting with someone that you care about. When you're going through a challenging parenting season, you need the connection to get you through it. It makes ALL the difference to know that you're not alone.
You're not alone! 🥰
Laurie Moser is an advocate for moms’ mental health. Supporting moms who have teens with mental health challenges using self-care tools & group support. Laurie has been featured by Focus on the Family, Real Biz Moms, Tracking Happiness and a guest on 5 Minutes for Me App, Voice of Women (VOW), I Never Knew (INK) and the Life Changing Habits Summit.